Friday 3 April 2015

Incentives for Foreign Investments in the Dominican Republic - INVESTMENT GUARANTEES (part 3)

Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) 

This U.S. government financial institution fosters U.S. business entry, growth, and competition in emerging markets. Private U.S. investors can obtain financing, guarantees, political risk insurance, and support for private equity investment funds upon meeting certain project eligibility requirements. Emphasis is placed on meeting environmental and worker and human rights standards. Detailed information of all projects is publicly disclosed and open to public comment. 

Projects are initially and continuously reviewed for social and environmental impact, and investors must conduct consultations with locally affected communities where the impact is significant. Housing and renewable energy are two sectors to benefit from OPIC support. In 2007, OPIC allocated US$100 million for housing construction loans for low- and middle-income housing, emphasizing the eligibility of DR-CAFTA countries. In 2008, the agency made a historic commitment to renewable energy by approving funds to mobilize capital investment, and within a year, had considered over 100 proposals totaling US$ 2 billion. Financial incentives in this sector are expected to increase.

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