Friday 20 March 2015

Incentives for Foreign Investments in the Dominican Republic - General Overview

The Dominican Republic has been recently modernizing its legal and economic system in order to adapt to new globalized standards and involve foreign capital. With the highest GDP growth rate in the Caribbean, the Dominican government supports internationally accepted financing arrangements and observes international operating standards. Tourism, telecommunications, and free trade zones have caused the greatest investment growth, but there are more opportunities like renewable energy, agriculture, mining, construction, aviation, electricity, and ports.

The Export and Investment Center of the DR (CEI-RD) is responsible for encouraging foreign investment. The main laws and regulations in this area are: (A) The Constitution of the Dominican Republic; (B) Law #16-95 on Foreign Investments, (C)Regulation 214-04 on Registration and Capital Repatriation, and (D) the DR-CAFTA free trade agreement. Also, Laws #8-90 and #158-01, covering Free Trade Zones and Tourism, offers generous tax incentives to investments in these sectors. And the government has supported investors looking for investment guarantees from external agencies by backing economically significant infrastructure projects with its full faith and credit.

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