Monday 23 March 2015

Incentives for Foreign Investments in the Dominican Republic - Constitution References

The 39th amendment to the Dominican Republic’s Constitution in 167 years was enacted on January 26, 2010, and establishes the general and fundamental principles governing the nation and inhabitants. The most relevant to foreign investment are Articles 25 and 221.

Article 25 expressly entitles foreigners in the Dominican Republic to the same rights, except for participating in local political activities, and subjects them to the same duties as Dominicans. Foreigners must properly register with the Registry of Foreigners, and if necessary, can seek diplomatic protection after exhausting all available remedies and procedures afforded under Dominican law, limited only by international conventions.

Article 221 grants equal treatment to both public and prívate business activities, and guarantees equal conditions to both local and foreign investments with no restrictions but those established by the Constitution and the law. 

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